What is your fav part of a wedding

Wedding Date Palava

I got engaged in May...FOUR whole months ago and soon after started planning until I hit a big fat rock. That rock stood firm till this Monday when I was finally able to book a wedding date at the church. I didn't know the RC Church made people jump through so many hoops and hurdles especially if one was having a 'mixed' marriage. Its crazy that the marriage between two people who believe in Jesus but go to churches with different doctrines is still considered a mixed marriage. It has been a trying time, especially as I couldn't really do any planning without a date.

 I couldn't

  • Book the hall
  • Book the band
  • Book the caterers
  • Let people know so they could book their holidays
The list goes on but I've finally been able to set a date. It all went down on Monday. I had had it up to here (you can't really see where but somewhere around my temple on the right side of my head)...yes there. Last week,  I met with the priest who had finally vetoed my application for marriage and told me to see the person who registers the dates. This gentleman was no where to be found last week Friday so I had to return first thing Monday morning. 

I got there bright and early at 9am to show you how dedicated I was to closing this issue. I was even the first to get there. As soon as I walked into the parish office and saw the person who would be attending to me, all I could do was say a short prayer. He looked old and mean (God forgive me). I approached him slowly and addressed him very respectfully that I was here to book my wedding SIR to which he promptly responded 'I am very busy right now, when I am ready, I will call you.' He wasn't ready till an hour and a half later at which point, if I had had a weapon of mass destruction, I would have used it. He called for the first person and with relief I walked into his little office and explained to him that I had seen the priest and wanted to submit my application and book my wedding date. 

'When is the wedding'
'Next year sir'
'NEXT YEAR!? We haven't finished booking for this year. This is too early'
'I understand that sir but I need to confirm the date with those who need to book their holidays in advance sir'
'But next year is ssooooo farrrrrrr'
'But can you just put it in the diary sir?'
'But we are booking for this year'
'But my wedding is next year and I want to book it so my guests are aware sir'
'But, but, but....'

At this point, I saw that arguing was going nowhere so I did what a normal, level headed, frustrated girl would do. I turned on the water works in a very silent woe-is-me-angel-like-manner. Think about the pussy cat from Shrek.

He promptly turned his diary to December and made a note that my wedding was in April 2010.

'Just make sure you come back in december to make sure'
'Thank you sir!'

So now I have less than seven months to plan so its going to be a roller coaster ride and I hope I'm able to pull through. I'm not as organised as some other brides I know so I'm hoping that blogging will keep me in check. I'm off to book the hall now.



LB said...

LOL I can imagine you crying!

Omuluzua said...

CONGRATSSSSS Tminx!!! wow! exciting news. Goodluck with all the planning and preparations

Foofie said...

LOL!!!! Effective waterworks! hi five homie! :p

YAYY for 7 months to go!!!! WEEEHOOOOO!

Double Eph said...

So it's safe to say, in the immortal words of that great Nigerian fountain of wisdom 9ice.....Let's Go Thereeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

T.minx!! just stumbled upon this...... CONGRATULATIONS!!!! woo-hoo!! wow ur blog was the first blog I ever read!

Lowla said...

WOW Congrats :) Wish you all the best in wedding planning. :)

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